What to Expect From Your Reading

Tarot is a divination tool that provides spiritual guidance. Whether you’re questioning a big life change or just looking for additional insight into your current situation, a tarot reading brings forward messages that provide clarity and guidance.

Tarot Explained:

Tarot is a divination tool that connects us to the world of spirit and the magic of Mother Earth Medicine.

A tarot deck contains 78 cards, divided into twenty-two Major Arcana cards and sixty-six Minor Arcana cards, each with a different meaning and message.

The Major Arcana cards represent archetypes we embody throughout our lives and major life themes. These cards deal with big picture thinking, representative of the higher self and spiritual perspective.

The Minor Arcana cards represent the details of the story and our daily life – beginning with the Aces and ending with the Kings, they are divided into four different suits, each representing a different earth element. Cups are water, Wands are fire, Swords are air, and Pentacles are earth.

Through this representation of the four elements in the Minor Arcana, we are reminded of our connection to the earth and the power we share.

The suit of Cups (water) is linked to our own watery emotions, reminding us to flow towards what feels good on a heart level.

The suit of Wands (fire) represents our energy bodies and what we are passionate about, advising us to direct this power towards what lights us up, while cautioning not to burn ourselves out along the way.

The suit of Swords (air) is about communication, ideas and intellect – like the wind we are encouraged to spread our ideas far and wide and trust our instincts.

And finally, the suit of Pentacles (earth) reminds us to stay rooted and grounded in the power of presence as we walk one step at a time towards our dreams.

In this way, tarot serves as both a connection to the world of spirit and an anchor into our earthly reality.

What to Expect From Your Reading:

Each tarot reading begins with a meditation designed to help us tune into these two worlds of earth and spirit and establish a portal of connection.

By first grounding into the energy of the earth, we begin by anchoring ourselves into this Mother Earth Medicine through our root chakra. We then invite in higher wisdom and guidance from the spirit world through a crown chakra activation that facilitates heart healing, opening up this chakra to allow you to receive the support and guidance you need.

Depending on the length and style of your reading, we will then tune into the cards as a way to speak to spirit, listening to and interpreting the messages brought forward and how you may apply their guidance.

Tarot tune-ins provide guidance for the here and now – this is not predictive tarot or “fortune telling.”

Rather, readings are about uncovering wisdom and advice from spirit about how to best navigate your current reality on both a physical and spiritual level.

Readings often involve homework as they may uncover core wounds and limiting beliefs that need healing. The cards will recommend action steps you can take on both a physical and energetic level to heal and clear these wounds, and step back into your power. Readings are intended to help you heal and transform your life through their guidance, but still require action steps on your part.

Spirit is always here to help, but we must be willing to take the first step!

It is important to note that the tarot readings I offer are designed to help you connect with your own spirit guides, strengthen your intuition, and gain confidence in your ability to talk to spirit.

Tarot is meant to support you in developing these abilities, not as a source outside yourself that provides answers.

If the tarot confirms what you already know on an intuitive level, it shows that you are on the right path and can begin to rely more on your own inner compass versus outside sources for validation. My goal is to always place the power back with you.

I don’t want anyone to ever feel like they “need” a tarot reading in order to speak to spirit.

You know the answers and have this wisdom deep inside you, you are connected to spirit and always have been – tarot just helps uncover and affirm that.

While you don’t need me to speak to spirit, I am happy to be a guide to you on your journey and help you remember your power.

If you’d like to explore this connection together, head to my booking page here.

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